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Monday, November 24, 2014


This year it has been a new requirement for administration to have “conversations” with teachers. What an odd request? We talk all the time. But these conversations were different. It has been an opportunity to pause the craziness and talk. Even though we have an objective to meet, these conversations have opened up so much more.

For me it has been an opportunity to ask questions, and to listen; to see where I can help and to show my teachers how much I appreciate them. Jon Gordon states in his newsletter this week, “Gratitude and appreciation are also essential for a healthy work environment. A simple thank you and a show of appreciation can make all the difference.

For all the teachers out there:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

To Assess or Not to Assess

According to Edutopia, when assessing educators should:

"Look beyond high-stakes testing to learn about different ways of assessing the full range of student ability -- social, emotional, and academic achievement."

In today's education system looking beyond high-stakes testing may not always be an option so educator's must be creative keeping in mind the social, emotional and academic achievement of the student and how those interact together.

Gone are the days of "end of the week" testing. Educators must assess for learning, as learning and of learning at various times to get a complete picture of the student's ability.

NSW syllabuses for the Australian curriculum

Each of these assessments has a place in the learning process. But quality learning cannot take place with out revision after assessment. Reflection by the teacher, and reflection by the learner must take place so that lessons can be improved or learning can continue.