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Friday, December 16, 2016

Giving Feedback and Encouragement

Feedback is crucial to learning. It is an important part of learning....adults and students alike. For some students it is the only time they hear anything positive all day. Feedback is to inspire someone to create an action plan to solve a problem and act upon it. There are many types of positive feedback models. Choose one that best fits your desired outcome. Please remember: 
1. Contingent on appropriate behavior
2. Descriptive
3. Conveyed with enthusiasm
4. Contingent on effort
My personal choice of feedback is based on appropriate behavior or on the child’s effort towards the appropriate behavior. To be most effective,  it must be descriptive of the child’s desired behavior that is desired. For example, “Rachel and Sarah, thank you for following directions and pushing in your chairs! Can you help the others? Maybe Mike needs some help with his chair.”
Just start small. Try to give a few more than the day before. Begin with a reminder system for you. Maybe place rubber bands on your wrist and remove one when you give positive feedback or encouragement. A little goes a long way in the eyes of a child.

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